Development - internal status

What is the status ?

The status is the current state of the service : if defines which action is in progress.

List of the status

WAITING                        # Set up at service startup and used when no listening/processing/speaking action is done

LISTENING_WAITING_FOR_SERVER_RESPONSE   # when the speech has ended and we are waiting for the server response. Not usefull on a fast network, but usefull on a slow network to understand we can't speak anymore because we just wait for Google voice servers response...

LISTENING_ERROR                # Raised if an error occured during voice recognition
\_ WANT_LISTENING_AGAIN        # For continuous speaking
\_ WAITING                     # For no continuous speaking

LISTENING_DONE                 #
\_ REQUESTING_THE_BUTLER       # These 2 are basically the same

\_ SPEAKING                    # These 2 are basically the same

\_ WANT_LISTENING_AGAIN        # For continuous speaking
\_ WAITING                     # For no continuous speaking